- Circumcision for ‘initiation’ and HIV prevention is harmful
Circumcision is sexually harmful. It removes a natural, healthy, functioning body part comprising about one-third of the erogenous tissue on the penile shaft, about 74cm² . . .
- Recommendation of Circumcision for HIV Prevention is Biased
. . . Organisations like WHO and UNAIDS are strongly influenced by money from the US government and American foundations. Consequently, their circumcision policies reflect the American cultural bias in favour of circumcision that seeks to find “benefits” for circumcision, avoids studying harm, and uses flawed research to promote circumcision in Africa and elsewhere. . .
- Circumcision causes sexual and psychological harm
. . . Long-term effects may include reduced emotional expression, low self-esteem, excessive or inappropriate anger, recurrent thoughts and distress, and sexual anxieties and dysfunctions. A survey showed that circumcised men were 4.5 times more likely to use an erectile dysfunction drug. . .
- Circumcision for HIV Prevention is Harmful, Ineffective, and Tragic
. . . The WHO circumcision “expert,” David Tomlinson, has a conflict of interest because he promotes and sells his own circumcision device to Africans and others. Tomlinson was asked to identify the functions of the foreskin, and he did not know! . . .
- Circumcision for HIV prevention is harmful, biased and tragic
. . . The tragic outcome: tens of millions of African men are being deceived into getting circumcised.
See also: African Newspaper “Circumcises” Article Critical of Circumcision