The Appeals Court has ruled in favor of MassHealth and dismissed our case. This reverses the earlier decision by the Superior Court that opposed dismissal of our case. We have decided to appeal to the highest state court, the Supreme Judicial Court. See our latest update on
Category: News
FDA Approves First Injectable Treatment for HIV Prevention
For years circumcision has been promoted as a way to reduce transmission of HIV even though there are studies to refute this claim. Here is another reason to refute this claim. The world’s first injectable medication to reduce the risk of acquiring HIV has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the agency announced […]
Update for Past and Potential Donors to Medicaid Legal Case
Hello. I am Peter Adler, Massachusetts counsel in this case, together with Andrew DeLaney appearing from New Jersey. We are writing to thank you very much for your donations and to update you about the status of the case. We do really appreciate your generous donations to this litigation, whether large or small. This is […]
Update on Massachusetts Medicaid Legal Case About Circumcisions
Circumcision Resource Center is pleased to report an interim victory in what is likely to be a landmark circumcision case. This is the first win to our knowledge in a circumcision lawsuit in the United States other than malpractice suits for negligently performed circumcision. The lawsuit is Ronald Goldman And 27 Other Taxpayers v. Secretary […]
Taxpayers Sue Massachusetts Medicaid About Circumcisions
After years of unproductive communications with state and federal officials about Medicaid circumcisions, Ronald Goldman, PhD, founder and Executive Director of the Circumcision Resource Center, heads a lawsuit representing taxpayers who want MassHealth (Medicaid) to stop paying for infant circumcisions. This historic legal action was filed in Suffolk County Superior Court by Attorney Peter Adler. […]
Ronald Goldman, Ph.D. Presents Circumcision Workshop to Birth Professionals
See the announcement from The Boston Association for Childbirth Education and Nursing Mothers’ Council below.
Circumcision is Exception to American Academy of Pediatrics Pain Policy for Newborn Infants
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BOSTON – February 25, 2016 – The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published an updated policy on the prevention and management of procedural pain in newborn infants in the February Pediatrics journal. It advises the goal of the prevention of pain in newborn infants because of ethical considerations and the potentially harmful […]
Council of Europe Opposition to Circumcision Remains Intact
Jewish Media Misrepresent Council’s Recent Resolution Numerous Jewish media sources report that a recent resolution of the Council of Europe “drops,” “cancels,” and “overturns” its previous anti-circumcision resolution of 2013. Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., executive director of the Circumcision Resource Center, was an invited speaker at the Council of Europe meeting in January, 2014 that […]
Historic European Circumcision Debate Draws Nearly 300
Previous Resolution Called Circumcision a Violation of Physical Integrity FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BOSTON – March 6, 2014 – The growing European debate about circumcision led to the first international interdisciplinary dialogue on the subject recently at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France (video). This major meeting discussed an October non-binding resolution overwhelmingly passed […]
Petition Sent to Israeli Supreme Court
Over 35,000 Support Mother Who Resists Court Order to Circumcise Son FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BOSTON – February 13, 2014 – The Jewish Circumcision Resource Center, representing Jews around the world who question circumcision and choose not to circumcise their sons, submitted a petition to the Israeli Supreme Court. It supports a mother who wants […]
European Circumcision Debate Will Include Jewish American
Psychologist and Author Ronald Goldman Criticizes the Practice FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BOSTON – January 7, 2014 – Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Circumcision Resource Center, a nonprofit educational organization in Boston, has been invited by the Council of Europe to participate in an interdisciplinary dialogue about circumcision at a meeting in France on […]
Council of Europe Adopts Resolution That Opposes Circumcision
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BOSTON – October 2, 2013 – Yesterday the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe agreed on a resolution in support of “children’s right to physical integrity.” The purpose is to reinforce the protection of children’s rights, oppose violence against children, and promote children’s participation in decisions that affect them. Genital cutting […]
Historic Nordic Agreement Opposes Circumcision
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BOSTON – October 1, 2013 – Yesterday at a meeting in Oslo, Norway, Nordic ombudsmen for children representing six countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, and Greenland) and Nordic pediatrician and pediatric surgeon organizations agreed on a resolution urging their national governments to work to prevent non-therapeutic circumcision of boys. According to […]
Campaign to Promote Circumcision Wastes Resources
Lack of Open Debate Results in Flawed Policy FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BOSTON – July 21, 2012 – Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., executive director of the Circumcision Resource Center and author of Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma, is concerned about the International AIDS Conference in Washington, DC starting July 22. He says it offers a one-sided view […]
German Court Bans Circumcision of Young Boys
To read more:
Swedish Docs in Circumcision Protest
They say it ought to be banned. Circumcision of young boys for religious and non-medical reasons ought to be banned in Sweden, urged the Swedish Paediatric Society (Svenska barnläkarföreningen, BLF). In a statement submitted to the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen), the society called the procedure an assault. “We consider it to be […]
Colorado to Cease Coverage of Medicaid Circumcisions
Over one-third (18) of all state Medicaid programs do not cover circumcisions. Is your state one of them? Find out. To read more:
U.S. Circumcision Rate Reported at 32.5%
As reported in the New York Times, a federal health researcher stated in July, 2010, at the International AIDS Conference that the U.S. circumcision rate had fallen to 32.5 percent in 2009. The researcher works for the Centers for Disease Control. The numbers are based on calculations by SDI Health, a company in Plymouth Meeting, […]