A sensitivity study of the adult penis in circumcised and genitally intact men shows that the natural penis is significantly more sensitive. The most sensitive location on the circumcised penis is the circumcision scar on the ventral surface. Five locations on the natural penis that are routinely removed at circumcision are significantly more sensitive than the most sensitive location on the circumcised penis.
In addition, the glans (head) of the circumcised penis is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the intact penis. The tip of the foreskin is the most sensitive region of the intact penis, and it is significantly more sensitive than the most sensitive area of the circumcised penis. Circumcision removes the most sensitive parts of the penis.
This study presents the first extensive testing of fine touch pressure thresholds of the adult penis. The monofiliment testing instruments are calibrated and have been used to test female genital sensitivity.
Adult male volunteers for the study had no history of penile disease. Results were controlled for age, type of underwear worn, time since last ejaculation, ethnicity, country of birth, and level of education. There were 68 genitally intact subjects and 91 circumcised subjects.
Other studies on penile sensitivity did not include testing the sensitivity of the foreskin. They were also subject to cultural bias, flawed testing methods, small number of subjects, or involved men who had penile medical problems.