Circumcision involves the welfare of children, ethics, health, parenting, and other issues that are of public concern. It touches on so many aspects of life—physical, sexual, psychological, social, religious, and historical, to name just a few—many find learning about the practice both engaging and challenging. Examining the practice of circumcision is a surprisingly rewarding path to learning more about ourselves.
The lessons of circumcision can teach us about social behavior, male-female relationships, American society, the limits of science, the world of the infant, and mother-child relationships.
A program on circumcision has wide appeal because it is not just about circumcision. More generally, it is about trusting our instincts, questioning some of our cultural values, and reflecting on who we are and who we can be as individuals and as a society.
If you are interested in a presentation that is different, stimulating, and valuable, contact the Circumcision Resource Center.
Selected presentations
Thirteenth International Symposium on Genital Autonomy and Children’s Rights, Boulder, CO
Seventh International Symposium on Human Rights and Modern Society, Washington, DC
Council of Europe Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Circumcision, Parliamentary Assembly, Strasbourg, France
Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA
Boston University, Boston, MA
Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
Congress of Secular Jewish Organizations, Philadelphia, PA
Humanist Association of Massachusetts, Cambridge, MA
Raising Boys Conference, Stockbridge, MA
Congregation of Humanistic Judaism, Detroit, MI
Birmingham Temple, Detroit, MI
Brown University Judaic Studies, Providence, RI
Men’s Studies Association, Brown University, Providence, RI
Mensa Annual Gathering, Boston, MA
Tikkun Conference on Jewish Renewal, New York, NY
Third International Symposium on Circumcision, Washington, DC
Boston Association of Childbirth Educators, Waltham, MA
Interface Holistic Health Center, Cambridge, MA
Mainely Men Conference, Portland, ME
Massachusetts Men’s Gathering, Worcester, MA
National (Jewish) Havorat Committee New England Retreat, Boston, MA
Congregation for Humanistic Judaism, Newton, MA
Circumcision Resource Center,
P.O. Box 232, Boston, MA 02133
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