Other Websites



Circumcision Information and Resource Pages
The most extensive archive of information on circumcision on the Web

Doctors Opposing Circumcision
Organization of physicians opposing circumcision

American Circumcision
New documentary film available to rent or buy

National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers

National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males

Circumcision Video: Whose Body, Whose Rights?
Available for online viewing, examines ethics and human rights issues

National Organization of Restoring Men (NORM)
Information and support for men interested in non-surgical foreskin restoration. See also NORM-UK.

Intact America
Founded in 2008, works to protects babies and children from circumcision

Attorneys for the Rights of the Child
Works to secure equal protection for children’s rights to bodily integrity

International Coalition for Genital Integrity
Alliance of organizations working for genital integrity

Circumcision Decision Maker
HONCode certified decision tool for anyone considering male circumcision

Nurses for the Rights of the Child
Nurses who refuse to participate in circumcisions

Mothers Against Circumcision
Home Page of this organization

The Intactivism Pages
Information supporting genital integrity for all children

Historical Medical Quotes on Circumcision
Statements from medical professionals and parents

CUT: Slicing through the Myths of Circumcision
Film was shown in 30 U.S. cities

Supports equal protection for male children

A bill to end male genital mutilation in the U.S.

Promoting genital integrity through regenerative medicine

Global Survey of Circumcision Harm
Investigates the long-term physical, sexual, and psychological harm of circumcision on men

Intact Network
Collection of intact materials available to the public

Muslims Against the Circumcision of Children (MACC)

A meeting place for Muslims and friends across the world about circumcision


For Hebrew speaking visitors

Israel Newsletter Against Circumcision
Forum at Tapuz (Giving Up Brit Milah)



Birthing the Future
The Natural Child Project
Pregnancy and Birth – Our Bodies Ourselves
The Online Birth Center

Association for Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Health (APPPAH)
Bornfree! The Unassisted Childbirth Page

Wellness Associates
Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children
Touch the Future
